
A classic business success story, Homefoods was started by Felicia Twumasi on her kitchen table.  A graduate of Archbishop Porter Girls in Takoradi and Holy Child High School in Cape Coast, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST) in Ghana and Harvard Business School (HBS) in Boston, USA. She is also a graduate and member of Stanford Institute of Innovation in Developing Economies/SEED.

The vision has been to create, build and establish an innovative food processing company fusing flavours and spices from around the world. The mission has been to focus attention, creativity and related services on basic food ingredients to homes, individuals and food industries, food ingredients they absolutely need and want and making every meal an experience.

It took one inspiring idea of exporting a product that was non-perishable but essential to cooking.  This product was Palm Oil, the rich red oil processed from fruits of the palm tree.  The first Homefoods container left the shores of Ghana to Europe in 1997 after shipping 100 boxes per order from 1995. Export business has grown exponentially from one full container per month to over forty FCL per year and still growing. Local and export sales to the sub regions of West Africa have grown into multi-million USD per annum.

Homefoods has since expanded its product lines based on competitive experience of existing products. Homefoods sums up this success story by doffing hats to the Homefoods team. We believe not only in our business but partnering with people who come in to do business with us. Apart from braving the challenges that face any business, to be truly successful, one needs a committed and loyal team.  

Homefoods’ culture of leadership entails allowing people to grow, be creative and innovative, combining intellect and idiosyncrasies to face challenges by devising solutions in their various roles. All departments work independently but are interdependent on each other. This strategy of advising and directing the team has facilitated our evolution from the kitchen table to the factory floor to a conglomerate in our Transformation Plan for the next ten years.


The WACOMP International Cluster Conference 2024 Exhibition.



The WACOMP (West Africa Competitiveness Programme) International Cluster Conference 2024 Exhibition took place on June 11, 2024, at the Labadi Beach Hotel in Accra, Ghana. This event was a pivotal component of the broader WACOMP Conference, which aimed to foster competitiveness and enhance value chains in West Africa.

Eminent Africans Global Integrity Award- EAGI Award 2024

We are proud to announce that our CEO, Madam Felicia Twumasi, has been honored with the Eminent Africans Global Award. This prestigious accolade celebrates her exceptional leadership and transformative contributions to the food industry. Under her visionary guidance, Homefoods has achieved significant growth, sustainability, and positive social impact. Madam Twumasi's dedication and innovative approach have not only elevated our company but also set new standards of excellence across the continent and beyond. This award is a testament to her unwavering commitment to excellence and her influential role in the industry.

Visit From GHIB, London

Homefoods was thrilled to host Ghana International Bank, London at our Odorkor factory. From insightful discussions with our CEO to exploring our cutting-edge facilities, it's clear our shared vision for innovation is paving the way for exciting collaborations ahead. The tour highlighted the company's dedication to maintaining high standards and fostering growth in the industry. #GlobalPartnerships #InnovationAtWork